Terms & Conditions

  1. Terms & Conditions
    1. This website and associated electronic communications are products of Talbingo Community Association Inc. (TALCA). TALCA and its partners provide the content on this website subject to the following terms and conditions of use.
  2. Acceptance of Terms
    1. Access to this website by both advertisers and visitors is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with the terms, conditions, notices, and disclaimers contained on this page. Your use and access of this website constitutes your agreement to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any of the terms or conditions appearing on this page, please discontinue using this website for your business and/or organisation.
  3. Advertisers Website Content
    1. TALCA does not warrant the accuracy of any content in relation to advertisers, businesses or organisations represented on this site.
    2. The advertiser is responsible for checking the accuracy of all information in relation to their representation on this site.
    3. TALCA accepts advertising in good faith.
    4. Individuals, businesses, and organisations participating on this website agree to comply with the Trade Practices Act 1974 and the Fair-Trading Act.
    5. As a condition of use of this site, you warrant to TALCA that you will not use the site:
      1. For any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices.
      2. In any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair this website, or bring Talbingo or its residents into disrepute.
      3. To advertise services, beyond the immediate environs of Talbingo
    6. Advertising Product Terms and Conditions
      1. All advertisers will be listed as per their registered company or trading name. Company, business, and registered trading names will be verified by TALCA. In the interest of Fair Trading, if a registered name cannot be verified, then the business and/or organisation can still be listed on the website under the individual’s personal name only, without any additional words.
      2. Advertisers are permitted one hyperlink or website address per advertisement.
      3. Advertisers are not permitted to display website addresses within advertising images. Images containing website addresses will not be posted by the website administrators.
      4. TALCA reserves the right to refuse any advertiser on the website which may represent a conflict of interest with the purpose and commercial viability of the website. Such advertisers may include websites which are in themselves directories of products and services. (E.g. Accommodation directories, Dining directories, Real Estate directories).
      5. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure copyright and advise TALCA immediately if any content, information, and/or images provided to and used by TALCA in the presentation of your business is in breach of copyright.
      6. By advertising your business or organisation on this site, you agree that TALCA will not be held liable for any inaccuracies, loss or damages to your business or organisation. TALCA will also not be liable for any unexpected computer downtime.
      7. All listings will appear in alphabetic order within the appropriate listing categories.
    7. Payment Terms and Conditions
      1. All references to dollars on the application form and subsequent invoices to Australian dollars (AUD).
      2. TALCA is a not-for-profit association, pricing presented by TALCA is exclusive of GST.
      3. Payments for services are in advance by direct deposit to the bank account listed on the application form.
      4. Payment cycle if by fiscal year (1 July to 30 June) and is not prorated if advertising commenced during the billing cycle.
      5. TALCA will issue invoices for annual renewals prior to the conclusion of the fiscal year.
      6. Invoice payment terms are strictly 14 days.
      7. It is agreed by the advertiser that any overdue account will result in suspension of your advertising service until such time as payment is received.
    8. Copyright
      1. The material on this website is protected by copyright.
      2. All content on this website including text, graphics, logos, icons, and advertisements, including the selection and arrangement thereof is copyright to TALCA unless otherwise stated.
      3. You may view, download, and print material for your personal, non-commercial use. If you find material on this website that should not be available due to copyright restrictions, please contact us immediately at Talbingoca@gmail.com.
      4. This site also contains material that may be copyright by TALCA’s commercial partners, advertisers, other people, and/or organisations.
      5. By placing material on this site, you give TALCA a licence to use that material and agree that you will not make any claim against TALCA for breach of copyright.
    9. General Website Content
      1. TALCA does not warrant that the information contained in or accessible through this site is accurate. TALCA does not warrant the accuracy of any opinion, statement, representation, or other information displayed or accessible through the site. TALCA makes no representations or warranties in respect of the information and materials available on this site.
      2. TALCA makes no warranty or representation with regard to any websites operated by entities other than TALCA which are or may become linked from or linked to this site.
    10. TALCA Disclaimer
      1. TALCA makes no representation about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness or accuracy of the information, software, products, services, and related graphics contained on this website for any purpose.
      2. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall TALCA be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages or any damages whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with the use or performance of the site.
    11. Advertiser Privacy
      1. TALCA respects your privacy and confidentiality.
      2. TALCA will not provide personal information to third parties for sales, marketing, or promotional use.
      3. Any information (supplied by you) and posted on the site is posted to facilitate the purpose of the site, being the advertisement of your business or organisation.
    12. Governing Law and Entire Agreement
      1. These terms and conditions are to be governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales, Australia.

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